This allows vectors to be changed to use LS-DOS console I/O.
(in fact, I've done this for you, and created an executable
version of CamelForth for the TRS-80 Model 4.)
I'll show you, step-by-step, how this was done, so you can
do the same for a Model 3, Model 1, or any system running
You need to use SBOOT4/CMD on a TRS-80 Model 4 or 4P.. even though the 4P has a built-in loader, you need to run SBOOT4/CMD. Also, SBOOT3/CMD should allow the same things mentioned here on a Model 3.
Making CamelForth into a standalone /CMD program is fairly simple:
To save a new system, use { HEX HERE . }, without the braces,
to display the next available free memory location. Subtract 1
from this and remember it. This value needs to be given for
the END= parameter when we use the LS-DOS DUMP command in a moment.
..then do { SAVEU } to update the initialization area.
{ 0 0 0 22 SVC } will invoke the @EXIT Supervisor Call, exit CamelForth
and return control to TRSDOS/LS-DOS. You should probably define this
as { : BYE 0 0 0 22 SVC ; } before you use SAVEU, and then just use { BYE }
instead (thereby always having the proper BYE for TRSDOS available).
DUMP CAMEL/CMD:0 (START=X'6600',END=X'????',TRA=X'6600)
..where ???? is the address found by HERE, minus 1.
Now you have Camel Forth for the TRS-80, running on a TRS-80.
A more elegant way of doing this, would be with a high-level forth
word, e.g. { SAVE-FORTH } which would save a new /CMD file, and
perhaps over-writing the existing file. This is left as an
exercise to the TRS-80 CamelForth programmer.
Download CAMEL413.ZIP (45K) which also includes
the /CMD program in a .DSK image for
David Keil's emulator for the Model 4 -- Cross development and remote
boot require the Serial Bootloader, sBoot4T, but
the standalone /CMD version is functional enough to develop into a full
ANS Forth system.
The problem remains of console input/output -- the system you just
saved still uses the serial port for its I/O. To create the /CMD
executable of CamelForth, I used SBOOT4T v1.1a,
which allows redirected input from a file.
..for example, will enter terminal mode, and allow you to use CamelForth
with RS-232 console I/O. But if you press F9, it will read input from
INP.FS until there is no more to read, then return control to the terminal
interface. In this way, you can load definitions from a DOS file,
immediately compiling them into CamelForth. Then, with the facility
described above, save a new CamelForth to TRSDOS/LS-DOS.
SBOOT4T CAMEL80.HEX <REVEC.FS the command I used to create a standalone /CMD edition of
CamelForth v1.3 for the TRS-80 Model 4. REVEC.FS is a seqential Forth
source file, which changes KEY KEY? and EMIT to use LS-DOS keyboard and
video, through Supervisor Calls.
Note that the words (KEY) (KEY?) and (EMIT) still use the serial channel,
but these assume the TRS-80 serial port is already initialized. Serial
port initialization routines for the standalone /CMD executable are left
as another exercise for the TRS-80 CamelForth programmer.
29 FEB 2000
Douglas Beattie Jr.
For reference, here also is the original file, before v1.3.
Camel Forth v1.2 for the TRS-80 -- CAML4P12.ZIP (37K)
-- requires Serial Bootloader, sBoot4T